Sunday, November 9, 2008


Geesh, what has Mother Nature done to us? Typical MO weather, but OMG! I guess we have just been really spoiled by the 70 degree weather in late October/November, but holy cow it was cold today!

We tried to go to Savanah's softball game, but ding-dong Mommy forgot shoes for the kids (this really isn't as bad as it sounds - Maw Maw and Paw Paw kept the monkey's last night and we dropped them off in their PJ's, with no intent on doing anything outside when we picked them up). Both kiddos were in desperate need for a nap, no shoes and runny noses equals...gotta get outta here...and FAST!!

We had a TON of fun last night at Jamie and Justins, I completely sucked at Phase 10, but it sounded as though Dan did pretty good at darts. I think we ended up having one of those middle school girls upstairs, boy downstairs parties...but it was fun to torment the guys everytime they came upstairs! Matt had a classic shirt on that said "Hi, you'll do" was hilarious and made quite interesting conversation for the evening!! Turns out the un-prego women were almost outdone by the knocked up ones! Erin T., Jamie and Carol vs. me, Kate and Jill was fun!!

Poor Tom, just when he begins to open up...poor guy gets soaked with the "hairband around the sink sprayer" prank...not just once, but twice...his bad though, he thought the sink was broken! And then he got pressured into the Cupcake eating contest, with Dan (only about twice his size) and Tony "won't ever pass up a dare and will eat anything" Craig...but I think he might have come out with the victory!! Its almost 5pm the following day though and I am pretty sure, he probably hasn't gotten out of bed! HA

So, tomorrow is NKOTB for Kate and I really wish I could have won those backstages passes for her, but I am glad to know that she won't be going back there for Jordan to fall in love with her and she will be coming home to Matt!!

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